Thursday, April 28, 2011

Scott Croner - "The Nebraska Turkey Interceptor " -

Trophy Merriams Turkey in Nebraska

Greg Hill Scores Big with Nebraska Hunting Outfitters

Nebraska Hunting Outfitters Guide Scott Croner hunts turkey like a Nebraska lawman hot on the trail of a escaped convict !!!

I arrived at 12:30 p.m.on Friday, with cloudy sky's and winds blowing in excess of 20 mph which are not ideal hunting conditions. But Scott has his turkeys dialed in, and I was back at the lodge with 2 long beards by 5:00p.m.

The next morning Scott set me up on a location he had scouted early in the season. Needless to say, I took care of business at 10 yards with my third Merriam at 7:30 a.m. I called Scott to come pick me up and when he arrived, the back of his Suburban was stacked with gobblers harvested by three of his repeat hunters that he guided on a hunt that morning.

I've hunted with several so called guides in Kansas and Alabama, but Nebraska Hunting Co. is the real deal. I will be back next year to harvest more turkeys, and I'll bring several of my clients with me. ( 5) Stars *****

P.S. And be sure and tip the cook-best prime rib west of the Mississippi!
Greg Hill

El Dorado, Arkansas


Michael Lee said...

Mr Croner,
Albert Rasch of the Rasch Chronicles speaks highly of you! I can see why. Do you market any bowhunts for Merriam's turkey?

Keep your fletching dry!
Michael Lee
Michael Lee's Stickbow Archery Blog

Michael Spinelli said...

Nice Turkeys Scott! You must have them dialed in very well indeed!

Mike S.